Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two months

Celebrating two fantastic months!

This week we celebrated our Annabelle turning two months old.
She has so many beautiful and brightly colored clothes, but I am still a fan of her in a simple white onesie.
Also, I figured a simple white onesie would be the best way to document her growth each month.

She is sure a happy girl!

Annabelle loves smiling and talking throughout the day. She is more apt to give smiles to mama but loves her dad and makes sure to let him know every day. She brings such joy into our lives, we already can't imagine life without her. Dieter is having a hard time being away from her everyday while at work. Even if she is napping when he comes home he still rushes in her room just to see her and give her some love.

The past month has gone by quickly. Annabelle is still a bit too small for her 3 month clothes and of course has received some fabulous 3 month clothes from friends and family this month.

In this past month Annabelle has:

-Moved to 7 feedings a day, but still enjoying her late night cuddle time with dad and pumped milk
-upped her smile time from just the morning to an all day happy smile session
-began to give us such funny faces including raised eyebrows and half smirks
-began to follow objects with both eyes 180 degrees, this started with following mama and dad and now has included her elephant Eli and a sunflower rattle during changing time
-settled her fussy time from 3 hours to about 30 minutes
-been taking longer naps in her crib throughout the day, she still cries and talks herself to sleep for 5-10 minutes each nap
-decided that one nap each day (this nap changes) she does NOT want to nap in her crib
-still loved her swing, infant "buzzy" chair, stroller and errands in the car
-held her head straight and strong while being held. Such a strong neck!
-held her head up to 45 degrees while on tummy time

At her two month mark she weighed 9 lbs 13 oz

We love you so much baby girl and enjoy every single moment with you.

Monday, April 26, 2010

One Month

Happy faces at one month!
At one month old Annabelle was full of faces.
The smiles started for Dad at 3 weeks and for Mama just the next day after that.

The first month included lots of late nights, early mornings and fussy late afternoons.
We realized that her upset tummy was causing such discomfort that I started giving up dairy, chocolate, and caffeine. After some time of this it was easier to decipher what food was causing the issues and this led to a much happier baby.

At 4 weeks Annabelle was:

-Enjoying 8 feedings a day, about every 2.5 - 3 hours
-Most feedings included an extra bit of bottled breast milk, as her hour long feedings sessions were making her too exhausted to continue for a full feeding.
-Having special time with Dad for her late night feeding with bottled breast milk
-Sleeping in bed with mama and dad, as it became very clear by 4 weeks that she does not like her cradle
-Grunting and crying were her only sounds at this time. Grunting was all day and night, during sleep, while stretching, and while eating.
-Long term napping occurred only when she was propped up at an angle. As much as we protested this, when we realized it was due to her tummy it was easier to let it happen on occasion. She would sleep in her car seat, infant seat, or boppy pillow.
-Was instantly calmed by the sound of running water

The first month went by so fast. We had so much help from both sets of Grandparents. Much needed lunches and prepared dinners were delivered and enjoyed by two sleepy parents. Thanks to all of our support we were able to stay somewhat alert and comfortable during the first month.

Visit from Seattle

Uncle Adam and Auntie Jen came to visit the weekend Annabelle turned 2 weeks old. She is comfortable with anyone and tends to snuggle in as soon as she is held. We had our first dinner out with the family. Urbn pizza in town is always a good choice. Annabelle slept peacefully the entire dinner out. The rest of the weekend we stayed at home with the family, cooked a full turkey dinner and enjoyed a nice glass of wine. It is very clear she already loves her Uncle Adam and Auntie Jen. Please come down and visit again soon!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Annabelle Dawn Gratz

Miss Annabelle
Born February 26, 2010 1:55 pm
6 lbs 15 oz, 19 1/2 inches long

Dad was such a trooper while Mom carried Annabelle for 9 long months. He was especially wonderful during the last 2 months when Mom was home resting and trying extra hard to not have Miss Annabelle come any earlier than her due date. Since early labor started some time before the trip to the hospital, we were all so tired when we finally checked in and got set up for her arrival. She made things pretty easy on us and arrived hours before the time table suggested by the nurses. Checked in at 7:00 am and 7 hours later she was here. Right away she cried and snuggled ready for food with her new eyes open and ready to watch the world. Instantly we were all in love.